Thursday, February 13, 2020

Overseas Market the Spiderman Computer Games in Africa and Asia Research Paper

Overseas Market the Spiderman Computer Games in Africa and Asia - Research Paper Example The marketing of the product should be done online. The company applied state of the art technologies to market its product. The technology enables the company to directly link with the customer’s enabling the buyers to know the kind of product in the market (Chang, Jul 27, 2012 ). The company will in response send the product to the customers. according to Chang (2012 ), the company can also avail the service free, where the users in different countries can access the computer games free but are required to pay to get some per-ups or add-ups. The users will have to pay for items such as powerful magic weapons which support them in winning the game against the enemy or they will be required to pay to access more advanced versions of the game. Alternatively, the company can avail a trial version of the game, where the user is given a timeline to use the game free. After then, the user should pay to continue playing the game. This strategy enables the users to get acquainted and develop an interest in the game. In the process, more market for the game is gained. The company has to do a lot of research to find out what needs to be done to win their international customers and what they would do to fulfill the intention of capturing international market. The technique will not only enable the company to solve their inventory problems but they would satisfy the international computer game users. The state of the competitors can also help.  

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